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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Recycling songs by Norwegian Peter Bull

Three days ago, I came across Peter Bull, a Swedish DJ and producer of mashups (blending different songs into one mix). I was blown away by his incredible artistic ability. The second I heard "How six songs collide", I was hooked! The guy is a genius! All of the new mashups can be streamed and downloaded from the top of Peter's blog for free. However, it takes hard work and money to host his songs. A little gratuity would be a nice gesture.

Peter Bull's blog


  1. Very creative and impressive indeed! I love this mashup!! Great fine, Marie!

  2. Yes, its awesome! Glad you enjoyed this mashup Cher!

  3. didnt stinge have this song in the car? its on one of the cdsssss

  4. Yes, I heard it on one of the cds in the car...wonder why I never heard it earlier!! Cool stuff!
