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Tuesday, November 3, 2009


"If we lose the battle against tropical deforestation, we lose the battle against climate change. Please join me in trying to save the rainforests - for the sake of our children and grandchildren"
The Prince of Wales


But ONLY ONE WEEK IS LEFT to collect the sign-ups for inclusion in the rainforest book that will be sent to world leaders, so please encourage your friends and family to sign up TODAY!

Sign up here at: The Prince's Rain forest

Feilds of padi - Bali 2009 (F1)
A green revolution

Why am I supporting this project:
This cause is very dear to my heart. Being a concerned environmentalist, I feel it is extremely urgent we manage and protect our forests. It isn't too late to make a positive change now.
The rain forest acts as a life support system generating much of earth's oxygen. Furthermore, carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is stored in their leaves, roots, stems and branches. Any imbalance in this eco system causes imbalance in the world and affects us adversely.
Here in the tropics, home to many species of plants, animals and microorganisms, habitat destruction through hunting and deforestation has profoundly affected the orang-utan. Their population has declined by 92% in the past century although there are concerted efforts for conservation.
Like a web, we are interlinked; mankind, animals and our biological treasure, the rainforest, are the essence of our ecology. MC1

Orangutan - mother and child

"If only I can try to see a through the eyes of a child ......I can then see the world for all the bounty that nature has given me and choose the path that preserves it"

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