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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Green Light

There's always two sides to the story. Let's not get into a debate as to whether meat eaters are less of an environmentalist or whether a vegetarian should not eat soy products. The truth of the matter is if we want to decrease our impact on the environment and help reduce carbon emissions, we should give up driving, flying and we should become vegetarian. In reality, most people can't commit to any of these or perhaps they can commit to one. However, most people can reduce all three! In my case, I try to support 'Meat Free Monday' by avoiding meat as much as possible, driving less, using less natural gas and electricity and using reuseable products. Whilst I support antipollution, I have to admit being a self-confessed globetrotter. Nobody's perfect but we try to live our lives in the least harmful way that we can and teach our children to do the same.
For the moment in some countries, meat is the most readily available and least expensive food source that is local and organic. Hopefully one day they will have more alternatives that are affordable.

Go here for delicious meat free recipes and perhaps you will also consider devoting at least one day a week to eating meat free.

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salad 4

One of my favorite starters is this Mango salad made quick and easy
Mixed salad greens, philippine mango, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, pineapple, cranberries and raisins

Salad dressing:
Olive Oil - 2 tblsp
Japanese Riken Shiso Leaf and Seasoning Non-Oil salad dressing
(Aojiso Dressing)- 1 tsp
A little drop of lemon juice
Method: Beat together until a slight creamy texture

(You may add a little drop of sesame oil and rice wine vinegar if you wish)

Manger Sain!

Tips on how to wash salad greens and fruits:
1. Just before serving, hold the salad greens and fruits under clean running water to remove dirt.
2. Prepare a clean container filled with fine grain sea salt cold (not freezing) water solution. (Just not too much sea salt as the surface of vegetables and fruits are porous).
3. Soak for about 3-5 mins then rinse throughly in running water.
4. Take your salad for a spin in a spin & dry salad spinner and wipe fruits dry with recycled paper towels.
5. For wax coating on fruits, simply peel off the skin just before eating or serving.
If you need to cut fresh fruits ahead of time and avoid oxidization, pour a small amount of citrus juice e.g pineapple or lemon juice over the cut fruits.

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