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Monday, November 22, 2010

Joe McNally - Lights up!

When it comes to photography, it is all about light.
If there is anyone who is a master of lights, I think that would
be Joe McNally, photographer, journalist and lighting
He spent more than thirty years behind the lens and was voted
as one of the 30 most influential photographers of the decade.
He has graced the pages of Life and Sports Illustrated, Time,
Newsweek, Fortune , New York, Entertainment Weekly and
many more publications. He currently has an ongoing 23 year
contribution to National Geographic.
McNally knows how to talk about it, shape it, color it and direct it.
Most importantly, he knows how to create it using hot shoe flashes.

The following from McNally's own words: "I am a visual storyteller. I
really believe in the importance of the mission of the photographer. It
is to lay down a visual record of our times. Just as they did on cave walls
thousands and thousands of years ago. We record what we see, what we
feel and what happens in our lives and the lives of those around us. Even
though the tools we use are highly evolved and technologically complex,
what we do with them is absolutely basic and central to our core as a
human being. We tell stories."

In the last two years, McNally has written two books:

The Moment it Clicks - Understanding photography and the art of making
great photos at a level you never thought possible.

The Hot shoe Dairies - This new book is a virtual how- to get big lights
from small flashes.

Four years ago when I was studying photography in Los Angeles, I learnt
how to use strobes and continous lighting. Much to my disappointment I
was unable to widen my practical knowledge. Despite my setback, I like
to still think that nothing is ever too late.
So recently I decided to do a refresher's tutorial course in preparation for
Joe McNally's timely visit to Singapore for his Asian tour on January of 2011.

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