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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Through The Voice Of An Angel

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them"
Mother Teresa

Today, I witnessed a gift from God and I am humbled by an invaluable life lesson
learned. Susan Boyle made UK chart history with her depth of purity that transcends
through her voice but more than her singing, is her inner strength and perseverance
to stay committed to a dream despite her critics.
The truth is, sad to say, our society has such high standards that we often judge too
much by appearances. It is easier for us to put others down than it is to deal with
our own insecurities. I am ashamed to admit..... I sometimes need reminding.
God speaks to us in mysterious ways, sometimes through the voice
of an angel.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.


  1. Marie,

    Susan Boyle is just amazing - and you are right we do tend to look at "the cover" to judge "the book" and it is a shame....and amazingly you picked a person like none other - Mother Teresa - as an example of how we ought to live our life...super. And - I believe it says a lot about a person to be able to sit back and reflect on these as always great!

  2. Climatetweet,

    ~Only the person of worth can recognize the worth in others~
    Thomas Carlyle

    Your words are filled with such amazing grace..... much appreciated!
